Welcome to the high school curriculum resource site for parents and families! We are excited that you are interested in the learning experiences that your child will have throughout the coming year.
As the year progresses, come back to the parent and family resource site often to inform yourself of what your child is learning in school. Knowing this information will only enrich your conversations with your child.
Please use this link to access and bookmark the parent and family curriculum resources which are located in Canvas. For information on how to login to Clever to access resources, follow these directions.
There are 14 High Schools in Cabarrus County. Eight traditional high schools, three early colleges, and three alternative schools offering a variety of programs and opportunities.
Our Vision:
Every Teacher Highly Effective... Every Student Cognitively Engaged...
Our Mission:
The Curriculum and Instruction team will empower and equip educators to effectively engage and challenge all students by providing effective professional development, coaching support and modeling.
Our Core Values: