Weekly Update
Monday, March 24, 2025
FCA will meet in the main gym this Friday at 6:45. Please join us for a breakfast snack and a message. Can’t wait to see you there!
The next Driver's Education eye check will be tomorrow right after school in the YES Center, B118. You must pick up a form in the door and have it signed by your parent/guardian in order to get your eyes checked. Failure to get your eyes checked will delay you in the driving portion of the class.
Students taking community college courses or courses through NCVPS are eligible for textbook reimbursements. Students may be reimbursed for up to $50 per course with the proper receipts. Please complete the google form linked on the Student Services webpage. Forms with a QR code are also located in the front office, student services office and on Mrs. Lamb's office door. This form is purple.
These are due by April 1st for 2nd semester courses. See Mrs. Lamb with any questions.
Academy students going on the UNCC field trip on April 15, please turn in your permission slips by this Friday, March 28th.
There will be a Multicultural Club meeting on Wednesday, March 26th at 2:30 in Mrs. Farrell’s room.
Juniors you will be taking the ACT the week of March 31st-April 4th.
This test is MANDATORY for all 11th grade students in NC!
During homeroom on Wednesday March 26th there will be an ACT meeting in the theater. If you cannot attend let Mrs. Sandlin know.
SENIORS: Scholarship season is here!
Please check the MPHS website under Student Services to see all the free money you can apply for.
We have some deadlines coming up:
First Baptist Church Community Scholarship- $500- 2 Awards
• Deadline: April 4, 2025
Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary Scholarship- $500-$1,000- 1 Award
• Deadline: April 9, 2025
L. A. Dobson, Jr. Scholarship-$2000
Deadline March 31st
Mount Pleasant Elementary School Teacher Assistant Scholarship- $500
Deadline April 4th
Mary Anna Lassiter Memorial Scholarship-$3,000
Deadline April 1st
Wyatt Scholarship -$2000
Deadine April 15th
Doris Y Rogers Cabarrus County Agricultural Fair Scholarship-$1,000-$5,000
Deadline: March 24, 2025
Sam Leder ‘I Got Your Back’ Scholarship-$1,000
Deadline: April 1st
These scholarships will go to students in Cabarrus County and some will go only to MPHS students! Please apply!!
Attention Seniors:
If you are interested in enrolling in RCCC for the fall 2025 semester or if you are a current RCCC student, please sign up with Ms. Dickson in guidance by Wednesday, April 23 to be on the list to meet with the RCCC representative. The RCCC staff will be here on Wednesday, April 30 to assist students with applications, financial aid, fall registration, and college engagement.
If you still need a dress for prom, please see Mrs. Williams in Student Services. We have had some beautiful dresses purchased and donated to us. There will also be a Cabarrus County Prom boutique at Central Cabarrus High School Tuesday and Thursday of this week 2:30-6:00 p.m.
Hand-washing PSA video winners!
Mrs. McCorkle’s Foods & Nutrition 1 classes recently created hand-washing PSA videos. Here are the winners from each class.
1st Block
2nd Block
3rd Block