Attendance Contact: Penny Smith
School success goes hand in hand with attendance and is very important at MPHS.
Please click the link here- CCS Board Policy for attendance information.
At the high school level, more than eight (8) absences in a course during each 90-day session are considered excessive. A student will be given one (1) unexcused absence for each class when the student has accumulated a combined total of four unexcused tardies, late check-ins or early check-outs. (Example: 1 tardy + 2 late check-ins + 1 early check out in 3rd period will count as one absence in that period). The principal or a committee established by the principal will review other measures of academic achievement, the circumstances of the absences or unexcused tardies (excused or unexcused), the number of absences or unexcused tardies and the extent to which the student completed missed work. A committee may recommend to the principal and/or the principal may make any of the following determinations:
1. the student will be retained;
2. the student will not receive a passing grade for the semester;
3. the student will receive the grade otherwise earned; or
4. the student will be given additional time to complete the missed work before making a determination of the appropriate grade.
The principal shall notify the parent/guardian in writing of a decision to retain the student or deny course credit.
Excessive absences may impact eligibility for participation in interscholastic athletics. See Policy 3620, Extracurricular Activities and Student Organizations.
State law allows absences to be excused for the following reasons (please upload, email or send in appropriate documentation for each):
Please note that all absences will be coded unexcused unless absence form or appropriate documentation is submitted to the school. Absence notes must be submitted within two (2) school days of the student’s absence and/or return to school. Notes will NOT be accepted after TWO (2) school days of the student's return.
Automated calls from the County Office will be sent out if a student is marked absent or tardy in class. If you feel there is an error with your student’s attendance, please reach out to the teacher.
Students who check in late or check out early (more than halfway through a period) will be marked tardy for the period.